Tutoring Services

Foreign students often need extra help as they transition to the American school system. That’s why EduAbroad has connections with a large network of tutors and mentors for all situations and subjects. Having a little trouble with that math or English assignment at school? Need extra help getting prepared for an important exam? Tell us what you need and a tutor can be at your house immediately. Tutoring can also be arranged on a regular basis to supplement a student’s learning experience.

Tutoring Services

Private Coaching

Many international students wish to continue pursuing a special talent or interest that they bring from their home country. EduAbroad helps match students with musicians, artists, or experts in other fields to provide coaching in those activities. Students with a good balance of extra-curricular activities have an easier time gaining acceptance to college. Additionally, students with special talents have access to extra scholarship opportunities.

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Tutoring Services

General Academic Support

International students often struggle to complete their homework assignments as they transition to the American school system. To help smooth the process, an academic tutor can assist international students with overcoming the initial cultural shock and language barrier.

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Tutoring Services

College Preparation

EduAbroad recommends that students take advantage of our college preparation tutoring program. Students learn test-taking techniques that improve their score on standardized tests such as the TOEFL or SAT. College preparation tutors also help students organize and complete college applications correctly.

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Tutoring Services

English Language Support

Most international students choose to supplement their education with additional language tutoring. This valuable assistance helps students not only with their academic success, but also builds their confidence in communicating with others and making new friends.

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